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AEMAS Plus Interoffice Communications

Data-Basics, Inc.

AEMAS Plus Interoffice Communications transfers data amongst branchoffices of a firm. This enables firms to offload specific tasks to thebranches, sharing the workload and decentralizing to whatever degree theychoose. Time card, sales journal, and expense entries can be made at thebranch level and transferred to the home office, letting each branchoperate as its own entity within the whole organization, with its owndata entry, payroll, and billing procedures; or the home office canretain control of some of these tasks, while sharing others.With Interoffice Communications, the simplest application allows forremote entry of time cards. Accounts payable journal entries and salesjournal entries may also be entered at the branch.Interoffice Communications knows which other branch office must receiveinformation along with corporate and sends pertinent information to thatbranch as well.

Language: MicroFocus COBOL
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

Data-Basics, Inc.
11000 Cedar Ave
Cleveland, OH 44106
Phone: (216) 721-3400
        (800) 837-7574
Fax: (216) 721-2398